Hack the Box invite code


Note: It is not necessary to use Kali to get the invite code. I got mine from my Mac.

Go to https://www.hackthebox.eu/invite: it says “Feel free to hack your way in”. First, I naively tried a few classic passwords such as admin, 1234, root, toor, and more. Without surprise, it didn’t work. The next thing to do was to have a look at what happens when we submit a password: right click anywhere on the page, and click on inspect. Then, go in the Network tab.

htb inspect

We immediately see a bunch of scripts, and there is one called inviteapi.min.js: at the end of the script, there are a few commands and among them, makeInviteCode looks interesting. So, let’s check what this function does by typing it in the Console tab.

htb make inv

It returns an object containing an encrypted (BASE64) string that we can decipher with Cryptii (https://cryptii.com/) for example:

htb cryptii

The message tells us to do a POST request to generate an invite code. We could do it within a terminal, but I downloaded Postman a while ago and used it instead. We just send an empty POST request to the given address:

htb postman

In return, we got another encrypter string. Once again, I used Cryptii to decipher it:

htb code

And this is it, we have our invite code!