Enumeration/footprinting CheatSheet

This “CheatSheet” is based on the module Footprinting from the Penetration testeraims to provide a few enumeration/footprinting commands for each stage of a penetration test (initial enumeration and Windows/Linux enumeration once a foothold has been obtained).

Here’s the content so far:

  1. Infrastrucure based enumeration
    1. Domain information
    2. Cloud Resources
  2. Host based enumeration
    1. FTP enumeration
    2. DNS enumeration
    3. SMB enumeration
    4. NFS enumeration
    5. SMTP enumeration
    6. IMAP/POP3
    7. SNMP enumeration
    8. MySQL
    9. MSSQL
    10. Oracle TNS
    11. IPMI
  3. Remote Management Protocols
    1. SSH (mostly Linux, sometime on Windows)
    2. RSYNC (Linux)
    3. R-Services (Linux)
    4. RDP
    5. WinRM
    6. WMI

Infrastrucure based enumeration

Domain information

The purpose is to get a picture of the target’s online presence, including subdomains. We can:

Cloud Resources

Cloud providers secure their infrastructure centrally, but it doesn’t mean that companies usign them don’t have vulnerabilities. Indeed, that depends on the configurations made by the administrators. Sometimes, it is possible to retrieve documents from the cloud.

Host based enumeration

FTP enumeration

Service/protocol: File Transfer Protocol
Port(s): 21
Description: the File Transfer Protocol is a client-server protocol and one of the oldest on the internet. It is meant for transmitting files between computers over TCP/IP connections and relies on 2 communication channels between the client and sever: a control channel for controlling the conversation (TCP port 21) and a data channel for transmitting file content (usually TCP port 20).
FTP can operate in two modes: active or passive. In the active mode, the client establishes the connection and informs the server via which port the server can transmit its responses. The problem is that if the client is protected by a firewall, the server cannot reply since external connections are blocked. In the passive mode, the server announces a port through which the client can establish the data channel. Since it is the client who initiates the connection. the firewall doesn’t block the transfer.
FTP is still commonly used to transfer files behind the scenes by applications. Although credentials are usually required to use FTP on a server, the server sometimes offers anonymous FTP. If this is the case, we can simply connect to it, list directories, and possibly even download and upload files.
VsFTPd is one of the most used FTP servers on Linux. Its configuration can be found in /etc/vsftpd.conf. Also, a file called /etc/ftpusers is used to deny certain users access to the service.
A few useful commands: ls -R (recursive listing), wget -m –no-passive ftp://anonymous_anonymous@ (downloads all available files). So, if FTP is running:

DNS enumeration

Service/protocol: Domain Name System
Port(s): 53
Description: DNS is a system which is an integral part of the internet; it resolves computer names into IP addresses. There is no central database, it is like a library with many different phone books; the information is distributed over thousands of name servers. There are different types of DNS servers: DNS root servers, authoritative name servers, non-authoritative name servers, caching servers, forwarding servers, and resolvers. Although DNS is originally unencrypted, there are now ways to encrypt it (DNS over TLS (DoT), DNS over HTTPS (DoH), and the network protocol NSCrypt).
In addition to resolving names into IP addresses, the DNS also stores information about the services associated with a domain. Therefore, we can determine the role of a computer in a domain (for example a mail server) or what the domain’s name servers are called.
The structure is as follows:

SMB enumeration

Service/protocol: Server Message Block
Port(s): 139 (SMB over NetBIOS), 445
Description: SMB is a client-server protocol which regulates access to files and entire directories and other network resources such as printers and routers. SMB can also handle information exchange between different system processes. For example, devices running old versions of windows can communicate with devices running newer editions. With Samba, there is also a solution that enables the use of SMB in Linux and Unix distributions (thus making cross-platform communication possible with SMB).
An SMB server can provide arbitrary parts of its local file system as shares. Therefore, what we see is partially independent of the real structure of the server. Access rights are defined by Access Control Lists (ACL), which are defined based on the shares. SMB usually uses TCP ports 137, 138 and 138, but we can also see port 445 on Linux hosts since Samba implements the Common Internet File System (CIFS) network protocol, which only uses port 445.
Here also, we’re looking for misconfigurations of SMB (if Samba is used, the config file can be found in /etc/samba/smb.conf). Let’s assume we found SMB with nmap. We can enumerate the service as following:

NFS enumeration

Service/protocol: Network File System
Port(s): 111, 2049
Description: NFS is a network file system which has the same purpose as SMB: access file systems over a network as if they were local. However, NFS uses a different protocol and is only used between Linux and Unix systems. Therefore, NFS clients cannot communicate directly with SMB servers. NFS version 3.0 authenticates the client computer, but more recent versions (NFSv4) authenticates the user (as with SMB). Because NFS has less options than FTP or SMB, it is easier to configure and might have less misconfigurations. Anyways, the /etc/exports file contains a table of physical filesystem on an NFS server that are accessible by the clients. It also shows which options it accepts, some of which can be dangerous. For example, there is an insecure option which allows to use ports above 1024. If this is the case, any users can use those ports and interact with the service (the first 1024 can only be used by root). There can also be misconfigurations of file permissions, such as rw (read and write) permissions.
If NFS is found to be running on the host, it can be footprinted with the following commands:\

Example: Squashed

SMTP enumeration

Service/protocol: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Port(s): 25
Description: this protocol is for sending emails in a network. It can either be used between an email client and an outgoing mail server, or between 2 SMTP servers. It is often used combined with IMAP or POP3, two protocols used to access and send emails.
By default, SMTP servers accept connections on port 25 (newer servers can also use port 587) and it is unencrypted. As for DNS however, SMTP can be used in conjunction with SSL/TLS encryption to prevent unauthorized reading of data.
To prevent spam, most modern SMTP servers support the protocol extension ESMTP (Extended SMTP) with SMTP-Auth. This latter is used to authenticate users, so that only those latter can send emails. When a client (known as the Mail User Agent (MUA)) sends an email, it then converts it into a header and a body, and sends those to the SMTP server. There, the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) checks the email for size and spam and stores it. The MTA is often preceded by a Mail Submission Agent (MSA, also called Relay Server), which checks the origin of the email. Finally, the MTA searches the DNS for the IP address of the recipient mail server. When the data packets arrive there, they are reassembled to form a complete email and the mail delivery agent (MDA) transfers it to the recipient’s mailbox. Those steps can be summarized as follows:
Client (MUA) -> Submission Agent (MSA) -> Open Relay (MTA) -> Mail delivery agent (MDA) -> Mailbox (POP3/IMAP)
The SMTP configuration file can be inspected with the following command: cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep -v “#” | sed -r “/^\s$/d”.
We can interact with an SMTP server by initiating a connection using telnet (the actual initialization of the session is done with the command *EHLO
or HELO): *telnet 25*, then use a command like *EHLO *. Depending on the configuration, the command *VRFY* can be used to check the existence of users on the system. After using telnet to connect (no need to use *EHLO*), we can for example *VRFY root*. Once again however, we could get false positives (response code 252) for any users we try depending on the configuration.\\ We could use SMTP to send an email as follows:\\


Service/protocol: Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) and Post Office Protocol (POP3)
Port(s): 143 for IMAP2 and IMAP4, 220 for IMAP3, 993 IMAPS, 110 for unencrypted POP3, 995 for POP3S (secured POP3 over SSL/TLS)
Description: IMAP allows to access emails directly on a mail server, manage the emails on the server, and supports folder structures. In short, this protocol allows to manage emails on a remote server.
Its functioning is thus the opposite of POP3, which retrieves emails on the local machine and stocks them with a special software (by default, this software deletes the retrieved emails from the server). Note that newer versions of IMAP also give the possibility to retrieve emails locally.
As for any other service, IMAP and POP3 can be misconfigured with dangerous settings. Even though most companies use third-party email providers (Google, Microsoft, …), some companies still use their own mail servers. If misconfigured, an attacker could potentially read all the emails… Here’s how to footprint those services.

SNMP enumeration

Service/protocol: Simple Network Management Protocol
Port(s): 161, 162 (UDP)
Description: SNMP was created to monitor devices on networks. It can also be used to change settings remotely, such as those of routers, switches, servers, IoT devices, and more. In addition to the exchange of information, SNMP also uses UDP port 161 to transmit control commands. In normal communication, it is the client who requests information from the server. However, SNMP also allow the use of traps over UDP port 162. Traps consist of data packets sent from the server to the client, without the client requesting them. If a device is configured accordingly, an SNMP trap is sent to the client once a specific event occurs on the server-side.
The Management Information Base (MIB) was created to ensure that SNMP access works across manufacturers and different client-server combinations. The MIB consists in a text file that contains all queryable SNMP objects of a device. MIBs don’t contain data, but they explain where to find which information.
The most recent version of SNMP is SNMPv3. The first version, SNMPv1, is still used in small networks and has no built-in authentication mechanism. Therefore, anyone with access to the network can read and modify network data. Also, SNMPv1 doesn’t support encryption and all data is sent in plain text.
SNMPv2 existed in different versions, but today we mainly see SNMPv2c (c because it is based on community strings (like SNMPv1 and SNMPv3), which can be seen as passwords used to determine whether the requested information can be viewed or not. So, having/knowing the correct community string determines whether we can access information of devices in the network). This version isn’t really better than the first one in terms of security, because it isn’t encrypted either and community strings can be intercepted and read by anyone. Community strings can also be brute forced. The default community string of a device depends on the vendor who created it, but “public” is a very common one. There are 3 types of community strings: read-only (allows to request read-only information from a device), read-write (allows to read and change the configuration of a device), and SNMP trap (included when a device sends a trap).
Finally, SNMPv3 is much more secure, since it adds authentication and is encrypted. However, it is more complex and has more configuration options, so it might be more prone to misconfiguration. Because the transition from SNMPv2c to SNMPv3 is complex, SNMPv2c is still widely used in organizations.
We can look at the default configuration options of the SNMP daemon as follows: cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf. Some dangerous settings that can be overlooked by administrators are: rwuser noauth, *rwcommunity <communityString> <IPaddress>.

Footprinting: this can be done with specialized tools such as snmpwalk, onesixtyone, and braa.


Service/protocol: MySQL
Port(s): 3306
Description: MySQL is an open-source SQL relational database management system. As its name suggests, the database is controlled using the SQL database language. MySQL is based on the client-server model and consists of a server and one or more clients. The clients can retrieve and modify the data in the database using SQL. MySQL is ideally suited for applications such as dynamic websites and is often combined with a Linux OS, PHP, and an Apache web server (this is known as a LAMP combination (LEMP is nginx is used in place of Apache)).
A MySQL database translates the commands into executable code and performs the requested actions. If there is an error during the processing, the web application informs the user. Various SQL injections can generate such error messages, and those latter often contain important information regarding the MySQL version, or the correct way to interact with it (which can be different from what the developers intended).
Managing a SQL database and its configuration can be very complex, and it is not rare to see misconfigurations. If a MySQL server is running, its configuration file can be inspected as follows: cat /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf. This file often contains a username and its password in clear text. So if the rights for this file aren’t set properly, there is a good chance to find credentials there.
Footprinting: sometimes, even though it really isn’t a good practice, a MySQL server can be accessed from an external network. if it is the case, it can be footprinted as follows:


Service/protocol: Microsoft SQL
Port(s): 1433
Description: unlike MySQL, MSSQL is closed source and is popular among database administrators and developers who build applications that run on Microsoft’S .NET framework. Even though some versions of MSSQL can run on Linux and MacOS, it is more likely to see it on targets running Windows. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a tool that can be installed with the MSSQL install package (it is a GUI which facilitates the interaction with the database). It is often installed on the server for initial configuration and management of the databases. SSMS is a client-side application, therefore it’s not only present on the server hosting the database, but on any machine where a system administrator or developper might have installed it. If we find this application running on a vulnerable system, we might find credentials that allow us to connect to the database.
Some client that can be used to access a database running on MSSQL include: mssql-cli, SQL Server PowerShell, HediSQL, SQLPro, and Impacket’s mssqlclient.py. Thise latter is interesting to pentesters because impacket is installed by default on many pentesting distributions (locate mssqlclient).
Like MySQL, MSSQL has default system databases that help understand the structure of all the databases that are hosted on the server. Those default databases are: master (tracks system information), model (template database; every new database created will be based on it), msdb (the SQL Server Agent uses it to schedule jobs and alerts), tempdb (stores temporary objects), and resource (read-only database containing system objects included with SQL Server).
Usually, the SQL service runs as NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER (at least at the installation time). It is possible to connect from the client-side through Windows Authentication (the default authentication method), and encryption is not enforced by default. With Windows Authentication, the Windows OS uses either the local SAM database or the domain controller (hosting Active Directory) to allow the connection to the database management system.
As for MySQL, configuring MSSQL can be complex and there are various dangerous settings such as: MSSQL clients not using encryption to connect to the MSSQL server, the use of self-signed certificates when encryption is used (self-signed certificates can be spoofed), the use of named pipes (named pipes provide communication between a pipe server and a pipe client. A pipe is a part of memory that is used for communication between processes), and the use of weak or default sa (System Administrator) credentials (by default, the sa account is disabled. If it is enabled for some reason and we can use it, then we have all permissions on the instance).
Footprinting: If MSSQL is found to be running on the target, it can be footprinted in various ways. Here’s a few possibilities.

Oracle TNS

Service/protocol: Oracle Transparent Network Substrate
Port(s): 1521
Description: The Oracle TNS server is a communication protocol used between Oracle databases and applications over networks. It is used for managing large and complex databases, because it supports various networking protocols between the databases and client applications, such as TCP/IP and IPX/SPX (IPX/SPX is very similar to TCP/IP. Terry Lambert, who implemented IPX/SPX, says that the only reason to care about IPX/SPX is if we have really old printers or 4 ports serial box. The reason is that IPX is broadcast, so there is a lot of noise in the network.
Oracle TNS has a built-in encryption mechanism and it supports SSL/TLS encryption, making it suitable for name resolution, connection management, load balancing, and security.
The configuration files for Orcale TNS are called tnsnames.ora and listener.ora and are located in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory. The default configuration depends on the version and edition of the Oracle software installed. Oracle TNS is often used with other Oracle services such as Oracle DBSNMP, Oracle Databases, Oracle application server, Oracle Enterprise Manager, web servers, and so on. On Oracle 9, the default password is CHANGE_ON_INSTALL. On Oracle 10, there is no default password. Oracle DBSNMP uses dbsnmp as the default password.
Each database or service has a distinct entry in the tnsnames.ora configuration file. This latter contains the required information for clients to connect to the service (name of the service, ip address and port, and the database name). Sometimes, it also contains authentication details.
The listener.ora is a server-side configuration file which defines the parameters of the listener. This latter handles client requests and forwards them to the appropriate database instance. The client-side Oracle Net Services software uses tnsnames.ora to resolve service names to network addresses, and the listener uses the listener.ora file to determine the services it should listen to.
PL/SQL Exclusion List is a user-created text file that can be used to protect Oracle databases. It has to be placed in the $ORACLE_HOME/sqldeveloper directory. The files contains a list of the PL/SQL packages that should be excluded from execution. It is a blacklist that can’t be accessed via the Oracle Application Server.
Footprinting: if there is a TNS listener on port 1521, we can enumerate the service as follows: first, we need some specific packages and tools that we can install with the following script (let’s call it prereq_install.sh):

sudo apt-get install libaio1 python3-dev alien python3-pip -y
git clone https://github.com/quentinhardy/odat.git
cd odat/
git submodule init
sudo submodule update
sudo apt install oracle-instantclient-basic oracle-instantclient-devel oracle-instantclient-sqlplus -y
pip3 install cx_Oracle
sudo apt-get install python3-scapy -y
sudo pip3 install colorlog termcolor pycryptodome passlib python-libnmap
sudo pip3 install argcomplete && sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete

When this is done, we can try to:


Service/protocol: Intelligent Platform Management Interface
Port(s): UDP 623
Description: IPMI is a set of specifications for the management and monitoring of systems, even if those are powered off or unresponsive. It uses a direct connection to the system’s hardware, without requiring access to the OS via a login shell. Because of those characteristics, IPMI is mainly used in three ways:

Remote Management Protocols

SSH (mostly Linux, sometime on Windows)

Service/protocol: Secure Shell
Port(s): 22
Description this protocol allows the creation of an encrypted and direct connection between two computers within a network. SSH is originally a Unix application and is implemented natively on all Linux distributions. It can also be installed and used on Windows. The OpenSSH server on Linux is an open-source fork of the commercial SSH server from SSH Communication Securtiy. Therefore, there are two competing protocols, SSH-1 and SSH-2 (SSH-2 is more recent and more secure than SSH1. SSH1 is vulnerable to MiTM, so the initial connection could be attacked). By default, the banners of SSH start with the version of the protocol (SSH-1 or SSH-2) that can be applied, and then comes the version of the server itself (example: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.9p1 -> we can use both SSH-1 or SSH-2, and it is OpenSSH server version 3.9p1. If it was SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.2p1, it would only accept the SSH-2 protocol version).
OpenSSH has six authentication methods: password, public-key, host-based, keyboard, challenge-response, and GSSAPI. Among these, public-key is one of the most frequent. In this authentication mechanism, the user or client creates a private key which is secured with a passphrase. This key is stored on the client’s computer and remains secret. When the client wants to open an SSH connection, he first enters the passphrase and thus opens access to the private key. Public keys are also stored on the server, and this latter creates a cryptographic “problem” with the client’s public key and sends it to them. The client then decrypts the problem with his private key and sens back the solution.
The configuration of the OpenSSH server can be found and analyzed with cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -v “#” | sed -r ‘/^\s*$/d’. Among other things, this shows if X11 forwarding is enabled. If it is the case and the server is OpenSSH 7.2p1, it might be vulnerable to command injection.
SSH is a very secure protocol, yet it can still be misconfigured. For example, there is a PasswordAuthentication setting; if it is set, we could try to brute force a known username for passwords.

RSYNC (Linux)

Service/protocol: RSYNC
Port(s): 873
Description: it is a tool for copying files locally or remotely (via SSH), and it is often used for backups and mirroring. It has a delta-transfer algorithm; it only transfers the difference between two existing files, reducing the traffic on the network. It can find files which need to be transferred (modified file size, or date of modification). If RSYNC is misconfigured, we could be able to list and retrieve the contents of a shared folder, without authentication. If credentials are required if we found any for another service, it is worth trying them with RSYNC. If RSYNC is running, we can footprint it as follows:

R-Services (Linux)

Service/protocol: R-Services
Port(s): 512, 513, 514
Description: r-services are services that enable remote access between Unix hosts over TCP/IP. They were the standard for remote access between Unix OS, but were since then replaced by SSH due to security flaws. Indeed, like telnet, R-services do not encrypt communications between the client and server. This makes it a typical candidate for MiTM attacks, potentially revealing credentials and sensitive information.
R-services are only accessible through a suite of programs known as r-commands, which consist of the following programs:


Service/protocol: Remote Desktop Protocol
Port(s): TCP/UDP 3389
Description: RDP is a protocol that can be used to access a Windows OS remotely. For an RDP session to be established, the network firewall as well as the firewall on the server must allow connections from the outside. Even though RDP supports TLS/SSL encryption, many Windows systems still accept inadequate encryption via RDP security. The Remote Desktop service is installed by default on Windows Servers and can be activated using the Server Mangaer. The default setting only allows connections to the service to hosts with Network Level Authentication (NLA).


Service/protocol: Windows Remote Management
Port(s): TCP 5985 (uses http), 5986 (uses https)
Description: WinRM is an integrated remote CLI management protocol. It uses the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to establish connections to remote hosts. With the help of WinRS (Windows Remote Shell), it is possible to execute remote command on another system.


Service/protocol: Windows Management Instrumentation
Port(s): TCP 135
Description: WMI is Microsoft’s implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM), which is a core functionality of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) on Windows. It consists in several programs and various databases, and allows to read and write to almost all settings on Windows systems, making it a target of choice during a penetration test. WMI is typically accessed via PowerShell, VBScript, or the Windows Management Instrumentation Console (WMIC).
Footprinting: a WMI communication is always established on TCP port 135, but it is then moved to a random port.